// PKGPATH: gno.land/r/boards_test
package boards_test

// SEND: 200000000ugnot

import (


var (
	bid boards.BoardID
	pid boards.PostID

func init() {
	users.Register("", "gnouser", "my profile")

	bid = boards.CreateBoard("test_board")
	pid = boards.CreateThread(bid, "First Post in (title)", "Body of the first post. (body)")

func main() {
	println(boards.Render("test_board/" + strconv.Itoa(int(pid))))
	boards.DeletePost(bid, pid, pid, "")
	println(boards.Render("test_board/" + strconv.Itoa(int(pid))))

// Output:
// # First Post in (title)
// Body of the first post. (body)
// \- [@gnouser](/r/users:gnouser), [2009-02-13 11:31pm (UTC)](/r/demo/boards:test_board/1) \[[reply](/r/demo/boards?help&__func=CreateReply&bid=1&threadid=1&postid=1&body.type=textarea)] \[[x](/r/demo/boards?help&__func=DeletePost&bid=1&threadid=1&postid=1)]
// ----------------------------------------------------
// thread does not exist with id: 1