# [Gnoland's Blog](/r/gnoland/blog:) / p / Announcing the Gno.land Funding and Grants Program

If you’re interested in building in Gno.land and using the Gnolang (Gno) language to make a meaningful contribution, we’ve launched the Gno.land Funding and Grants Program to support you on your journey. If you’re a developer, tinkerer, researcher, or educator and you’re excited by the idea of creating innovative dApps, tooling, infrastructure, products, or smart contract libraries on Gno.land, now you can apply for funding.

**About the Gnoland Funding and Grants Program**

We’re building Gno.land to endure with timeless code that will serve as a reference point for many years to come. Secured by a novel consensus mechanism, Proof of Contribution, Gno.land rewards contributors fairly, addressing one of the blockchain industry’s biggest problems. The developers that are most active on the platform with the highest quality contributions will secure the most rewards. We already have a growing community of Gnomes innovating and building on Gno.land and we’re looking to add more contributors to extend the usability of the platform and its smart contract library.

Our grants program will encourage further participation by allocating financial awards and contributions to individuals and teams who want to build dApps, core infrastructure, products, or features on Gno.land, incentivizing more like-minded Gnomes to test the Proof of Contribution mechanism and push the chain to new limits. The grant amount and duration will depend on the scope and ambition of the project as well as the work involved.

**Types of Contributors**

The Gno.land Funding and Grants program is divided into four different categories – tinkerer, builder, researcher, and educator – to ensure that we cater to a diverse range of people and working preferences. Here’s how we define these categories:

- Tinkerer: You want to experiment and invent
    - Build dApps, improve features, and find and develop new ideas
- Builder: You have an idea and are ready to build it
    - Build dApps, infrastructure, tooling, products, or port your existing apps to Gno
- Researcher: You want to discover and analyze
    - Deep dive into topics linked to the Gno.land universe

**What We Are Looking For**

To qualify for a Gno.land grant, we’re looking for motivated and passionate people who can contribute by developing dApps, core infrastructure, useful and innovative products, or features that improve the usability of the Gno.land chain, specifically:

- Decentralized Applications (dApps)
    - What types of dApps do you want to see on Gno.land? Show us.
    - Build, test, and launch a suite of Gno.land dApps for the community, focusing on diverse use cases and industries such as DeFi, gaming, supply chain management, and social media. Ensure that these apps cater to both individual users and businesses
    - These dApps should integrate seamlessly with existing Gno.land infrastructure, encourage user interaction, and promote the adoption of Gno.land services
- Infrastructure, DevX, Quality
    - Develop comprehensive GitHub and AWS integration for Gno.land, including streamlined deployment processes, continuous integration and delivery pipelines, and monitoring tools
    - Create Helm charts for easy deployment and management of Gno clusters, enabling users to quickly set up and scale their Gno infrastructure
    - Design and implement an event system for Gno.land contracts, allowing for real-time monitoring, analysis, and auditing of contract-related events
    - Enhance Gno.land security by conducting regular vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and implementing best practices for secure smart contract development
- Products
    - Develop advanced project management software tailored to the needs of Gno.land developers and teams, with features such as task tracking, collaboration tools, and integrated Gno.land services
    - Create comprehensive documentation, including guides, tutorials, and API references, to help users understand and utilize Gno.land's features and services more effectively
    - Design a censorship-resistant smart contract system, enabling secure and transparent transactions and interactions on the Gno.land platform, free from external interference
- Interoperability & Integration
    - Implement cross-chain compatibility and interoperability, allowing Gno.land to connect and interact with other blockchain networks, expanding its potential user base and increasing its overall reach
    - Develop a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) specifically for Gno.land developers, with features like code completion, debugging tools, and seamless integration with Gno.land services
    - Design and launch a user-friendly wallet for Gno tokens, featuring a secure and intuitive interface, support for multiple devices, and easy integration with Gno.land dApps

The above guidelines are by no means exhaustive and are intended to spark your imagination and give examples of the types of contributions we’re looking for in Gno.land. We’re open-minded and willing to assess all grant proposals, so if you have an idea that’s not on the list or a suggestion that you think will benefit our vibrant community, let us know. If your submission doesn’t qualify for a grant, we’ll do our best to provide you with open and honest feedback and points for improvement, as well as identify any opportunities to get involved in our ongoing incentivized Game of Realms competition.

**Meet Our First Grantees - Onbloc**


Onbloc is a blockchain software company building core infrastructure for Gno.land and

helping other dApp developers onboard to the Gno.land ecosystem seamlessly. The team has developed the Gno.land Developer Portal, which provides comprehensive introductory docs for developers, the Adena web3 wallet for Gno.land, and the Gnoscan block explorer. As Gno.land’s most active contributor, Onbloc is leading many community-driven initiatives and we’re excited to extend a grant to this passionate South Korea-based development team to continue their incredible work developing the wallet further, iterating the Gnoscan block explorer, and building Gno.land’s first DEX, Gnoswap.

In addition to this, we want to encourage Onbloc to continue their amazing work with the community, contributing to meetings, replying to comments on our social platforms, writing code base, organizing local events and meet-ups in South Korea, and creating products that expand the Gno.land ecosystem.

*“Onbloc is thrilled to be a part of the Gno.land Grants Program. As one of the earliest contributors, our endeavors have involved releasing technical guides and research reports, developing infrastructure tools for dApps, creating DeFi smart contracts, and more. We are excited to leverage this grant to further enhance the quality of our products and strengthen our workforce. The grant will enable us to cover some of the existing expenses and hire additional developers to focus on smart contracts and the core side of GnoVM. We expect these endeavors to push the Gno.land blockchain to new limits and accelerate the achievement of the milestones on our roadmap. With the support from the Gnoland team, we are confident in our ability to make significant strides and further contributions to foster the growth of the Gnoland ecosystem.”*

*Dongwon Shin, CEO, Onbloc*


Teritori is a super-dApp project allowing individuals and organizations to interact, organize, and communicate in a radically resilient and decentralized way. Based on an interoperable vision, the application is built on a multi-chain experience approach, gradually integrating Gnolang as the fundamental technical brick of the system. Currently in Beta ([available here](https://app.teritori.com/)), the app is making modular tools and dApps available to users, with a single gamified user experience. Teritori's philosophy is to offer users and developers a place that belongs to them, their territory, with an emphasis on interoperability, modularity, and customization.

Users can interact with a social network, NFT marketplace, DAO launcher, service marketplace, games, etc., and integrate a plethora of dApps thanks to the dApp store, where Teritori will promote all Gno.land dApps to encourage the growth of the ecosystem. Using the Gno.land grant, Teritori will continue this amazing work and develop a moderation DAO to provide content moderation to Gno.land in a healthy and decentralized way, a challenge that faces the entire web3 industry. By 2024, the UX of Teritori v1 will be based on decentralized messaging without blockchain, allowing users to converse in a "natural" way while adding modules and web3 features. Creating and managing a GnoDAO could be as easy as managing a WhatsApp group.

*“At Teritori, we want to make decentralized organizations accessible to all and experiment with new governance models for humans, social groups, businesses, and diverse organizations. Gno.land enables us to build this vision in a modular, future-proof, and censorship-resistant way. Thanks to the Grants Program, we'll be able to accelerate our development, continue to contribute proactively and build user experiences that enable as many people as possible to discover the Gnol.and ecosystem. We're starting work developing a DAO launcher, with different standard templates for DAOs, in particular, DAOs enabling moderation within news feeds, forums, or social networks. This will rapidly open many doors, such as those of conflict resolution DAOs, on-service marketplaces, or project management software. Gnol.and is a playground where anything is possible! We'll be documenting [our journey here](https://github.com/gnolang/hackerspace/issues/7#issuecomment-1588197187), and sharing our progress as we stay connected to the needs of the community.”*

*Zooma, Core Lead, Teritori*


Zack is the first tinkerer-in-residence at Gno.land. With a deep-rooted passion for innovation, he embraced Go early on in 2013 and ever since, has been harnessing its power to craft peer-to-peer programs and develop web2 applications. While Gno.land marks Zack's initial foray into web3 development and blockchain dApps, the Gnolang language allowed him to effortlessly apply his Golang expertise. This has enabled him to flourish within an ecosystem that revolves around decentralized systems, seamlessly transitioning his skill set to create unique decentralized solutions.

*“I have always been curious about web3 and blockchain technologies but have not developed expertise in smart contract languages and struggled to keep up with the fast-changing ecosystem around blockchain technologies. As an avid Go programmer, Gno and Gno.land created the opportunity for me to develop decentralized applications on blockchains by providing a framework and ecosystem that is consistent with Golang in terms of syntax, sustainability, and stability. The additional web3 features in Gno and Gno.land provide huge potential for interesting applications that I hope to unlock to move beyond web2 and harness blockchain technology for novel use cases. The grant provided for tinkerer-in-residence was the key to giving me the resources to move through this ecosystem as I try to think outside the box for what web3 can be and what blockchain can do for a web2 developer like myself.”*

*Zack Scholl, tinkerer-in-residence*

**How You Can Apply**

Actions speak louder than words. Until Gno.land is completely on-chain, the best place to start is by contributing to PRs and issues on the Gno.land repos or participating in the Game of Realms competition. If you want to apply for a grant, you’ll need to fork the Gno.land Ecosystem Fund repo and outline your proposal in your project name’s file. Once we receive your application, our team will review it and get in touch if we believe that you fit the criteria. [See GitHub for full instructions](https://github.com/gnolang/ecosystem-fund-grants). Stay tuned, we’ll be hosting a Funding and Grants Program Q&A in the next few weeks!

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